May 9, 2007

Calling All Readers!


To save money on your heating bill, you may want to turn your thermostat back to 60 degrees or 55 degrees at night. A convenient way to be sure you do this each night is to install a clock thermostat. It automatically turns your thermostat down every night, then turns it up in the morning before you get up. You won't be uncomfortable with the temperature–or with your heating bill.
Caulking and Weather-stripping

Caulking and weather-stripping come in a variety of qualities, costs, and configurations. You should buy the best quality materials available whenever possible. The more quality materials are the most durable and are the best money savers. They perform better and don't need to be replaced as often. Check below for a brief description of the most commonly available materials.
Caulking Compounds

Not very durable but lowest in cost: oil-or resin-based.

More durable and more expensive: latex, butyl or polyvinyl.

Most durable and most expensive: elastomeric base.

Materials used to fill extra-wide cracks: expanding foam, glass fiber, caulking cotton. Apply caulking compound AFTER using filler.

Apply caulking outside around window and door frames and wherever else two different materials or parts of the house meet. With a little practice, pushing the caulking gun instead of pulling it can result in a better, more professional looking caulking job.

Inexpensive, easy to install, not very durable: felt or foam strip.

More expensive, easy to install durable: molded vinyl (with or without various backings).

More expensive, somewhat difficult to install, very durable: thin spring metal.

Most expensive, very difficult to install, excellent weather seal, durable: interlocking metal channels.

Apply weather-stripping around the perimeter of all exterior doors and on the inside of all window sashes.

During the weather-stripping process, check to see if the putty on your windows needs replacing. Cutting down on all drafts will make your house much more comfortable year round.

Thak You:

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